This landmark transaction is another step in the internationalisation of the renminbi and will add another important asset class to the currency, said Spencer Lake, global head of capital financing at HSBC. 这一里程碑式的交易是人民币国际化进程中的又一步,将为人民币增添又一个重要的资产类别,汇丰环球资本融资主管利子琛(SpencerLake)表示。
A lower renminbi could cause a scramble for liquidity, pushing asset prices down when debt in foreign currency needs to be repaid. 当需要偿还外币债务时,人民币汇率走低可能引起流动性吃紧,拉低资产价格。
Investors were more interested in having an asset in an Asian currency. 投资者对持有以亚洲货币计值的资产更感兴趣。
The gap arising from the foreign exchange conversion of a sellable cash financial asset in any foreign currency shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. 可供出售外币货币性金融资产形成的汇兑差额,应当计入当期损益。
That, rather than the asset or currency it is based on may be the most essential point – and given the low expectations of the G20, the role of the dollar may not change for some time to come. 这而不是它建立在何种资产或货币的基础之上或许才是最重要的一点;鉴于对G20的期望值较低,在未来的一段时期内,美元的角色可能不会发生改变。
Therefore, as a country's asset markets rise in price, its currency would fall in price, largely in inverse proportion. 所以,当一国资产市场价格上扬,其货币价格则基本以相应比例下跌。
As money surges with ever greater force from the West into emerging markets, nowhere does fear of asset bubbles and currency volatility run deeper than in the fast-growing economies of Asia. 随着越来越多的资金从西方涌入新兴市场,最担心资产泡沫和汇率波动的地区,莫过于亚洲迅速增长的经济体了。
They may not love the asset class at present, but anyone trading across borders takes on currency risk. 他们目前可能不喜欢外汇这一资产类别,但是,任何人只要从事跨境交易,就必然要承担汇率风险。
Net asset value per share declined 14 per cent in the full year mainly due to currency movements, but the second half saw a 7 per cent rise to £ 11.37. 每股净资产值全年下降了14%,主要原因是汇率波动,但下半年增长了7%,达到11.37英镑。
Growth for the sake of growth especially by relying increasingly on the destabilising financial engineering of asset bubbles, credit bubbles and a flawed currency union has taken our system to the brink far too many times in recent years. 近年来,以增长为目的的增长尤其是越来越依赖资产泡沫、信贷泡沫和存在瑕疵的货币联盟等等有损于稳定的金融工程来实现增长已经把我们的体系无数次地推到了悬崖边缘。
Like japan, China has high rates of saving and investment, low real interest rates, soaring asset prices, a big current-account surplus and upward pressure on its currency. 与日本类似,中国储蓄和投资的比率很高,过低的真实利率和资产价格开始飙升,巨大的贸易顺差,货币面临上调的压力。
Van Eck global, the new York-based asset manager, last month launched an emerging market local currency bond exchange-traded fund the first of its kind in the US. 纽约资产管理公司vaneckglobal上个月发行了一只新兴市场本币债券交易所交易基金(etf),这是美国首只此类基金。
Investors who once regarded Italian bonds as a safe asset now worry about everything from the integrity of the credit-default-swap market to a possible break-up of the single currency. 过去,投资人认为意大利国债是安全的投资品种,而现在却对所有一切忧心忡忡,担心信用违约掉期市场的信誉,及欧元区瓦解等问题。
But Lou Jiwei, chairman of China Investment Corp, warned that a small bubble has already formed in global asset prices and said the fund was focused on investments in commodities-related assets and real estate as a hedge against inflation and currency depreciation. 但他警告说,全球资产价格已出现一个小的泡沫。他还表示,该基金的投资重点是大宗商品相关资产和房地产,以此来对冲通胀和货币贬值。
International capital flow can not only improve the efficiency of resources allocation but also cause asset price bubble, currency substitution, capital outflow, currency crisis and debt crisis. They create the enormous impact on any country's banking stability. 国际资本流动在提高资源配置效率的同时,也会带来资产价格泡沫、货币替代、资本外逃、货币危机和债务危机等一系列风险效应,从而对一国银行业的稳定性造成冲击。
Through VB Tools and data extraction technology, we designed the Asset Liability management system to control the risk of currency, interest and maturity in daily banking operation. 本系统通过VB编程与数据挖掘技术相结合,实现了银行资产负债比例管理,可以有效地控制风险。
With the increasing of the public debt's mobility, the public debt has become a very important tool for commercial banks to adjust the asset structure, improve the mobility management and for the central bank to adjust the currency circulation through the open market operation. 后来,随着国债流动性的不断提高,国债成为商业银行调节资产结构,加强流动性管理以及中央银行通过公开市场业务调节货币流通的重要工具。
As a new way of financing, project financing is different from the traditional way of financing, which not depends on the asset and credit of the company, but relies on the project's own profit and future currency flow as a basis of financing. 项目融资作为一种有利于基础设施融资的新型融资方式,它与传统的公司融资方式不同,不是依赖公司的资产和信用、而是依靠项目本身的收益与未来现金流量作为融资的基础。
According to the theory of asset demand, the behavior of depositor is influenced by the cost and profit of holding either the currency or deposit. 按照资产需求理论,存款人行为受持有通货和存款这两类资产的成本和收益影响。
Scale management needs to be given the scale of reserves for asset conversion and currency conversion, and conversion there is a risk in itself. 结构管理需要将既定规模的外汇储备进行资产转换和币种转换,而转换本身就存在着风险。
The economic recession phase, stocks, bonds and real estate earnings are negative, the most appropriate asset is currency, or assets fell short. 在经济衰退阶段,股票、房地产和债券的收益均为负,这时期最适宜持有货币,或对下跌资产进行卖空。
Asset securitization brings capital flow, which inevitably brings the questions about double taxation imposed by the governments on cash flow and the risks of currency exchange and exchange rate. 资产证券化带来了资金的流动,这不可避免带来了对各国政府现金流动的重复征税问题以及存在的货币汇兑与汇率风险。
The continuous rise in asset prices may increase the liquidity of the currency; making drastic changes in the amount and structure of money supply, making a lot of demand for funds shifting from production to non-production areas. 资产价格的不断上扬可能会使货币的流动性变强,从而可能诱发货币供应数量及结构剧烈变动,资金需求产生从生产领域转向非生产领域的变化。
The liquidity of the market has nearly walked to the dead end during the 2008 global financial crisis when asset and currency have lost their way of exchanging with each other so that the stock market can hardly operate. 在2008年爆发的全球金融危机中,市场的流动性几乎枯竭,资产和货币之间的转换渠道丧失,证券市场几乎不能运作。